Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why I Hate People!!!

As I mentioned in my last post, I talked with some total stranger in the coffee shop last night and pretty much completely broke down.  Well it now seems that while I went to the washroom to collect my emotions this nosey bastard had a look at my computer and what I was doing  and felt  a need to inform the world that he was "worried about me." and now I am getting stupid emails from people I don't know saying "don't kill yourself."  and "I love you" and crap like that.
What the hell!!!  If he really thought I was a hazard to myself he should have called the cops intstead of surreptitiously sabotaging my life even more.
Of course it is my fault.  i can't believe I actually left my computer at the table. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!  I am just lucky I still have it.  Luckily I don't have contact information for anyone on this computer because I have no doubt the jerk would have tried to email everyone in my address book.
Well at least he justified my dislike of people. 

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