Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 7 And Holding

 I truly enjoy my job.   Not just because it occupies my mind and keeps me from dwelling on how miserable things are right now, but it is among the top few things I have ever worked at.  The work that I am really passionate about has dried up due to the economy so thank God this job opened up.  The only thing that could  make it better is if it was full time.  Oh well - I got a couple resumes out today and put the money out for a Skype number and a headset so I can use my netbook as a phone.  Now let's just hope I get some call backs because I have a dreadful feeling I should have saved that money for fuel to stay warm.

I am fighting the urge to drive out and see my wife and children just to tell them how much I love them.  I must admit I did email to see if she wanted to chat, unfortunately the only response I got was that the police and her lawyer have told her she can't because of her no-contact order.  Fair enough I guess.

It is going to be a long night.  Trying to stretch a tea as long as I can at Timmies so I can stay warm inside without burning my scarce gas.  Using the time to do some research and blogging.  Added a page on Animal Hoarding to the blog.  I don't know if my wife is a hoarder as such but to me she sure fits that description.

And in case you think that I think I am totally innocent in all of this I DON'T.  I know I can be a real asshole when I am stressed.  I know I can be difficult to be around.  I know that I am as stubborn as can be.  Truth is I should have worked harder and longer to try and relieve more of the financial stress in the home and I should never have brought up the horses.  It is no doubt my fault that I am where I am today. 

But I am being asked to stop loitering now so out to the car I go.

1 comment:

  1. Hi COM,
    I'm the author of two of the animal hoarding sites you added to your page.
    I wanted to write you to let you know it certainly sounds like your wife is suffering from hoarding - I say suffering because it is an illness.
    Because of her illness she has caused additional suffering on behalf of you & your family. I am sorry, I wish I had golden words of wisdom, but I'm just a blogger too.
    Could you possibly contact the police and ask them to "escort" you to your home so you can take personal items? Could you also reach out to any of the government programs out there in Canada to help you navigate the legal system? If your wife is violent why is she allowed to stay in the home with the kids? Sounds like she is getting the better end of the deal while you were the one victimized.
    Write back if you wish:
    Best non-cantankerous thoughts to you...
