Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Utterly Completely Unbelievable.

This is most definitely a rant, but I am upset. Beyond upset. I just received a jpg in my email from an anonymous person showing my wifes facebook page and that she has signed up for the Pequinox Equine Dentistry course.

I am out freezing my A#@# off with no home because she assaulted me and I stupidly told the police she needed the house cause of the kids so I would find an alternative, she demands the return of my car (my only housing) and to top it off she signs up for a $10,000 equine dentistry course.

Don't get me wrong. The course is among the best in the world and well worth the money. I have been trying to attend for years but we could never find the funds or the ability for me to be away from work long enough (cause bills had to be paid). I had even spent a significant amount of time working with the owner of Pequinox developing a business plan but I still couldn't swing the costs of the course. So how does she afford it while I budget for my next meal? Why does she when she swore up and down she never wanted to do that work because it was too physical? What the heck happens with the thousands of dollars in bills for feed and pasture and lawyers that have been racked up cause of the horses and remain unpaid?

Better question yet. How does someone who is up on animal cruelty charges and causing suffering to animals even qualify to participate in that program? I had to shut down my farrier practice because I lost most of my clients due to the SPCA seizure and condition of her horses last spring. Now I find she is not only doing farrier work, but taking a course which I have wanted to for years and somehow miraculously come up with the $10,000 fee (which had to be paid up front I was told when I tried to negtiate a payment plan) while I can't even get a roof over my head.

This sounds angry and frustrating because it is There are some things wrong in this world and this is one of them.


  1. Oh geez, that is just wrong. I wonder if she recv'd some type of grant - being a women etc.? Do you have any legal options? Also, I think you need to stop being a nice guy. Frankly, you are being treated like sh*t and it's time you started playing hardball.

  2. Tammy Thompson needs to be stopped. Don't erase her name. She is destroying the lives of horses, of her children and others. Somebody needs to take action.
